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Table 1 Admission features and progress of the twenty-four patients with Salmonella meningitis

From: Clinical features, acute complications, and outcome of Salmonella meningitis in children under one year of age in Taiwan


Cases (N = 24) n (%)

Male: Female

15: 9

Age at onset, days*

79 ± 44.5 (range, 5 to 266)

Onset of symptoms before admission, days*

2.1 ± 0.74 (range,1 to 3)

Clinical features present between onset of symptoms and day of diagnosis



24 (100)


6 (25)


10 (42)

   Poor feeding

20 (83)


8 (33)


9 (38)

   Bulging anterior fontanel

13 (54)

   Nuchal rigidity

9 (38)


15 (63)

Salmonella isolates



24 (100)


13 (59)


3 (17)


1 (6)





   AC, CM

2 (8)

   AC, third-generation cephalosporins

6 (25)

   CM, third-generation cephalosporins

4 (17)

   AC, CM, third-generation cephalosporins

2 (8)

   AG, third-generation cephalosporins

2 (8)

   Third-generation cephalosporins

7 (29)

Duration of hospitalization, days*

32.1 ± 12.2 (range, 14 to 74)

Condition at discharge



21 (88)

No disability

8 (33)


13 (54)

Ongoing seizure

7 (29)

Focal motor weakness

10 (42)

Cranial nerve palsy

2 (8)


3 (13)


1 (4)

  1. *Values are presented as mean ± SD with range in parentheses; n (%), case number with percentage of the patients with positive findings in parentheses; #Denotes CSF cultures done in 24 cases, blood cultures in 22, urine cultures in 16, and stool cultures in 18; third-generation cephalosporins: cefotaxime, moxalaxtam, ceftriaxone, and ceftazidime; AC, Ampicllin; AG, aminoglycoside; CM, Chloramphenicol; disability, impairment of physical ability and seizure.