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Table 2 Time delays between starting TB treatment and starting of antiretroviral therapy (ART) among patients (n = 776) who started treatment.

From: Delays in starting antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis accessing non-integrated clinical services in a South African township


Patients referred

from TB clinic

(n = 581)

Patients with TB

diagnosed in ART

clinic (n = 195)

All patients (n = 776)

Delay between starting TB treatment and starting ART


   Median (IQR) (days)

116 (68-169)

41 (21-82)

95 (49-155)

   < 2 weeks

2 (0%)

16 (8%)

18 (2%)

   < 4 weeks

14 (2%)

71 (36%)

85 (11%)

   < 6 weeks

62 (11%)

98 (50%)

160 (21%)

   < 8 weeks

109 (19%)

115 (59%)

224 (29%)

   < 12 weeks

195 (34%)

150 (77%)

345 (44%)

   More than 12 weeks

386 (66%)

45 (23%)

431 (56%)

Median (IQR) time from TB diagnosis to ART clinic enrolment (α1) (days)

69 (29-115)



Median (IQR) time from ART clinic enrolment to ART start (α2) (days)

32 (28-51)

