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Figure 2 | BMC Infectious Diseases

Figure 2

From: The dynamics of risk perceptions and precautionary behavior in response to 2009 (H1N1) pandemic influenza

Figure 2

Dynamics of willingness to accept pharmaceutical intervention and number of newspaper articles on influenza, April 28 - May 26 2009. (A) Proportion of respondents interested in receiving pharmaceuticul interveniton and the number of newspaper articles. The lines show the proportion of those interested in preventive intervention, the proportion of those interested in curative intervention, and the number of newspaper articles. For the source of the number of newspaper articles, see text. (B) Mean scores of willingness to pay scale and the number of newspaper articles. The lines show the mean score of WTP scale for preventive intervention, the mean score of WTP scale for curative intervention, and the number of newspaper articles. For the source of the number of newspaper articles, see text.

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