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Table 4 Utilization outcomes attributable to inappropriate antifungal treatment

From: Inappropriate empiric antifungal therapy for candidemia in the ICU and hospital resource utilization: a retrospective cohort study


Point estimate

95% CI

P value

Excess hospital LOS (days) following onset of CBSI*




Excess hospital costs ($)†




  1. Based on generalized linear models with gamma distribution
  2. *Generalized linear model, adjusted for all covariates with p < 0.2 in the univariate analysis plus age, APACHE II score, need for mechanical ventilation and need for pressors; manual backwards elimination to arrive at most parsimonious model
  3. †Generalized linear model, adjusted for all covariates with p < 0.2 in the univariate analysis plus age and time from hospital admission to CBSI onset, APACHE II score, need for mechanical ventilation and need for pressors; manual backwards elimination to arrive at most parsimonious model